Vote YES for our schools on September 17, 2024

We are the Committee For All In for Collingswood.

As volunteer community members who want to see our schools succeed, we're all in for this investment and for making Collingswood stronger, both now and for the future. 

The All In for Collingswood referendum aims to dramatically transform Collingswood Public Schools by upgrading our school buildings to support current and future students. Modernizing our facilities will enable us to:

  • Create a new 42,468 sq. ft. Collingswood Upper Elementary School for all 4th- and 5th-graders. The facility will have a library, gym, cafeteria, kitchen, and elevator. It will be fully renovated and 100% ADA-compliant.

  • Upgrade the sports & recreation facilities at the high school and middle school, including new fields, a new track, new grandstand bleachers, concessions, bathrooms, and more.

  • Create an additional 7,577 sq. ft. of classroom space at Zane North Elementary. This K-3 school will be 100% ADA-compliant, and it will better meet the diverse learning needs of all our students in inclusive and modern classrooms.

  • Build new age-appropriate and ADA-compliant playgrounds at all three K-3 schools.

The Largest and Most Modern Elementary School Building in Collingswood

Referendum Benefits

Where we learn

How we learn

State of the Art Athletics & Recreation Complex