New School Acquisition

The Space Our Students Need

The former Good Shepherd Regional Elementary School is a 42,468 square foot former K-8 Catholic school that closed in June 2020 due to declining enrollment. Built in 1971, It is the newest school building in Collingswood, and the only one that can hold our growing number of students and offer them the resources and accessibility they deserve.  

The Collingswood School District is currently leasing this building, but this contract will end in 2025. Voting YES on the referendum will allow us to buy the former Good Shepherd building, before the contract expires and the building is potentially sold to another buyer.

Good Shepherd will become Collingswood Upper Elementary School, redesigned to accommodate all 4th and 5th grade students from across Collingswood. This will be the first time our elementary students will have access to common elementary school resources, such as a library, cafeteria, gym, and kitchen. Students will have a chance to meet each other and form bonds before the transition to middle school. This is an extraordinary opportunity for Collingswood, and one we can’t afford to miss.


Date of Construction


Square Feet


Student Capacity

What are the benefits?

Learn more about how the referendum will modernize facilities, enhance academic opportunities, and increase education equity: