An Endorsement From Amy Henderson Riley

An Endorsement From Amy Henderson Riley

Amy Henderson Riley

  • Doctor of Public Health and global public health researcher

  • Parent of three young children

My husband and I both attended – and are strong advocates for – the public school system. We love living in Collingswood and feel privileged to be a part of this community, where we are raising our three young children.

I work in global health and believe all children have the right to education. American public schools are based on this human right and are the heart of any community, including ours. I also believe public schools should be – and are – a place of authentic discourse and disagreement. That’s part of the design. The public gets to decide how and what our children will be taught to prepare them for success.

Collingswood has an opportunity to reduce educational and health disparities and upgrade our facilities this September, and I encourage everyone to vote YES for our schools, our children, and our community’s future. There will never be a perfect time or a perfect plan. But I see that our schools are struggling, our classrooms are overcrowded, and I believe our teachers when they say they are being asked to do more and more with less and less. I can think of no better way to spend public money than to invest in our schools, educators, and our children. Let’s not let this opportunity pass us by.

Join me in voting YES on September 17th.