An Endorsement From Caitlin Mallory

An Endorsement From Caitlin Mallory

As a parent and educator for over 20 years, I have witnessed firsthand the impact that quality education and well-maintained facilities have on our students, educators, and the broader community.

This referendum is not just about funding; it's about investing in the future of our children and ensuring safety and equity among our schools. The proposed measures will provide necessary resources to address infrastructure repairs, enhance safety measures, and ensure that every student, regardless of their race, ability, or socio-economic background has access to the tools and environment they need to succeed.

Well-funded schools not only provide a better education but also enhance property values, attract families to our area, and contribute to the overall vitality of our community.

As someone who has personally participated in three (two successful) school District referendums throughout my administrative career, I can assure you that most of what is being addressed in this proposed plan is imperative and will demand funding regardless of the outcome of the vote on September 17th. If necessary, the District will be forced to use general funds - funds that are already allocated to other essential needs - to address existing safety and building code issues in multiple schools and facilities across the District.

We have a responsibility to provide all students with the best possible education, and this plan is a crucial step in fulfilling that obligation. I encourage you to look to the future of our wonderful community and join me in voting yes for our students, teachers, and staff.

Caitlin Mallory

Educator & Mom of a Sharp Shark and new baby boy