An endorsement from Daniela Solano-Ward

An endorsement from Daniela Solano-Ward

Daniela Solano-Ward

Collingswood resident

Mom of one preschooler and one elementary student

Collingswood Recreation Soccer

When I learned that all elementary students who don't speak English as their primary language are sent to only one or two schools, I was horrified. As a first generation Latina, I was shocked to learn that this wonderfully diverse town of mine was funneling all the Spanish-speaking kids to one place. Then I learned that the same thing happens to kids with certain special needs -- many special education services are only housed in one or two schools, as well. We have this lexicon of inclusion, diversity, and equity -- but for me, what it comes down to fundamentally is that children are not born with a sense of "other," they learn it from their environment. They see other kids as just that: kids. Kids that may speak another language at home, kids that may need assistance or additional support to walk or communicate or learn, but if adequately exposed at a young age, they ultimately see a kid that is a friend, classmate, and neighbor. This plan has a vision to bring our kids together, so that they get to meet and be friends with all the 'other' kids in town, and it has my full and unwavering support.