An Endorsement From Ky'Oanna Lee

An Endorsement From Ky'Oanna Lee

Ky’Oanna Lee

Collingswood Resident

Collingswood High School, Class of 2017

Early Childhood Educator

“This referendum offers Collingswood the opportunity to provide more equal resources for all of our students, and become a beacon of inclusivity.”

Collingswood, fondly known as "where you want to be," holds a special place in my heart. Growing up in this community inspired my passion for education and shaped my desire to make a positive impact on young children.

However, as a person of color, I observed and experienced the challenges of our very segregated school district. There was a sharp division between Black and Brown students from one side of town, and white students from the other side of town. It wasn’t until I attended Temple University that I felt my identity was celebrated, or even valued.

I believe that bringing all of Collingswood together in fourth grade will go a long way towards creating a more diverse and welcoming educational environment for future generations. This referendum offers Collingswood the opportunity to provide more equal resources for all of our students, and become a beacon of inclusivity.