An Endorsement From Zachary Wright

An Endorsement From Zachary Wright

As a lifelong professional educator, I know that change involving schools is hard. And as a dad, I know that change involving our kids is hard. But when we use “What is best for kids?” as our guiding north star, our path becomes clearer. Updated facilities are what's best for kids; our kids deserve to learn in safe, modernized buildings, with room enough for everyone. Grade-level schools are what’s best for kids; our kids deserve equal access to resources. Upgraded athletic facilities are what's best for kids; our kids deserve state-of-the-art amenities. Integration is what's best for kids; our kids deserve the opportunity to learn and grow among the full diversity of Collingswood. Keeping the status quo feels safe, but it isn't what's best for kids. I'm All In.

Zachary Wright, M.A, M.Ed.

Parent of middle school and elementary students

Public school master educator and teacher coach

Professor and published author on equity in education